To exchange an item please visit your local store with your original receipt and a member of staff will be able to assist. We are unable to process exchanges online.

Items should be returned with the original packaging and labeling and within 30 days of purchase (100 days if you are an Explore More Member).

If the stock is not available in-store or you can't find a suitable replacement, a member of staff can assist by placing an order on any stocked item, free of charge to a delivery address of your choice.  Likewise, an order can be placed through the Post Office® Convenientcollect service or for collection from any of our stores.

All store returns are at the manager's discretion and the item must be in a new and unused condition.

We are unable to offer an exchange for items returned to Head Office. To change an item online please return the item to us and place a new order online.

Please Note: Stores cannot process returns paid for in a different currency to that of the store. Stores also cannot process VAT free sales. E.g. exchanges for BFPO orders.

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